Mental Health Resources


The list below is a collection of resources (videos, books, websites, groups, clinics) to help individuals and leaders help themselves, and others, with various challenging issues such as ...

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My Peace I Leave with You (Elder M. Russell Ballard)
Elder Ballard addresses how to find peace during emotional challenges and difficult life circumstances by turning to Christ.

Like a Broken Vessel (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)
Elder Holland offers compassionate counsel to those experiencing mental health challenges, assuring them of Christ's healing power.

Your Great Adventure (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Elder Uchtdorf encourages members to approach life’s emotional and spiritual challenges with faith and trust in God's plan for them.

We Will Say of the Lord He Is My Refuge (Elder Patrick Kearon)

Elder Kearon speaks to those who feel emotionally lost or wounded, encouraging them to find refuge in the Lord's loving care.

Come What May, and Love It (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin)

Elder Wirthlin teaches how to face life’s trials and emotional difficulties with a positive attitude and faith in God’s overarching plan.

Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease (Elder David A. Bednar)

Elder Bednar discusses how the Atonement can help lighten emotional burdens and help individuals endure challenges with grace and strength.

How Can I Understand? (Sister Sharon Eubank)

Sister Eubank offers practical insights on understanding others' emotional struggles and providing compassionate, Christlike support.

Gratitude and Trust (President Henry B. Eyring)

President Eyring speaks of emotional strength through gratitude and trusting God, even in times of trial and uncertainty.

Trust Again (Elder Gerrit W. Gong)

Elder Gong discusses the emotional healing that comes from rebuilding trust in relationships, with others and with God.